Thursday, May 27

in high seas or in low seas, um, he'sgonna be my friend

After a good year and a half of being mostly neglected, that empty, lonely feeling in the pit of my tummy made my finger cruise to Bob Marley & The Wailers on my beloved iPod. Sadly, the past year Marley has mostly popped up on shuffle. I think after a good 5 years of frequent Marley tunes and a good two years of putting down the Green due to personal reasons, he kind of weaved his own path out of my daily listenings.
I never waved the marijuana flag when listening to Bob, it just seemed like that's when he made me happiest and that's when i craved his melodies.
And now, at an odd crossroad in my life, i find his words hitting me in that same spot again. I mean, how can you listen to Bob and feel like shit, really, how?
I was lying in bed, mid-hormonal/psycho bitch tear-up and "Get Up, Stand Up" popped up on shuffle.
It was this specifically that 360'd my pathetic pity parade,

"Most people think,
Great god will come from the skies,
Take away everything
And make everybody feel high.
But if you know what life is worth,
You will look for yours on earth:
And now you see the light,
You stand up for your rights."

So, shortly after, my finger went blazing to the B's. Headphones intact, a cold bottle of Lime Perrier and a calm silence beyond the tunes; a clear, refreshed Whitney sits before the computer writing.
Not that, that's of any importance to you but, it is my blog, so as my country-raised grandmother would say, most unelegantly, "tough titty, sissy".
It sounds better than it reads, i assure you.
My point(!), there is music that hits you and music that you listen to. Any true music-lover knows the difference and i don't mean that in an arrogant way. I don't understand art and a good majority of photography but, for some people it just clicks. It's that way with music for me, it just clicks. And ironically, it was Bob Marley that said, "One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain".
And i shame people who bear that "you have to smoke weed to listen to Bob Marley" grudge because they've never listened to his music if that's how they feel. Now his music may sound more delightful when you're blazed but, it certainly bears the same meaning either/or.

So with that, i offer you one of my favorite, charming, upbeat, dance-while-you're-getting-ready songs:
Bob Marley & The Wailers - Do It Twice

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